Nobody deserves to be treated as if they are merely an option, a backup plan, or someone who can be taken for granted.
Here are some don’t treat me like an option quotes you will definitely relate to!
Getting treated like an option really sucks. It can seriously mess with our self-esteem and make us feel pretty lousy. But here’s the thing: we don’t have to put up with it. We have to recognize our own worth, set some boundaries, and refuse to settle for anything less than we deserve.
Also, take a look at know your worth quotes to boost your self-confidence.
That’s how we take charge and demand respect. The quotes we’ve shared in this article are like little nuggets of wisdom that remind us to prioritize ourselves and surround ourselves with people who truly value us.
Always remember, you’re not just some backup plan or second choice. You’re a freaking awesome person who deserves love, respect, and appreciation so don’t be an option be a choice.
Inspiring Don’t Treat Me Like an Option Quotes
These awesome quotes about not being someone’s option are here to remind you of your worth and help you get through this situation. They’re like little boosts of positivity and affirmation to keep you going strong.
It’s not about being too busy; it’s all about where you set your priorities.

Never make someone a priority when all you are to them is an option. – Maya Angelou

If they can’t decide if they want you, then they don’t deserve you.
Never allow someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option. – Mark Twain

There are moments when I regret being nice, apologizing when there was no fault on my part, and prioritizing unworthy people in my life.
If I treated you the way you treated me, you would hate me.

If you don’t treat me right, don’t expect me to treat you any differently.
When someone tells you they are too busy, it’s not a reflection of their schedule, it’s a reflection of your spot on their schedule. – Steve Maraboli

It’s decision time: either choose me or lose me. I refuse to be a backup plan or settle for being someone’s second choice.
Having nobody is far better than settling for someone who’s only half-present or doesn’t genuinely want to be there.

When you find yourself constantly questioning where you stand with someone, perhaps it’s time to stop waiting around and start moving forward on your own path.
No one is truly “always busy.” It all comes down to where you rank on their priority list.

Don’t let someone make you their top priority while treating you like their backup plan.
Never love anybody that treats you like you’re ordinary. – Oscar Wilde

Making excuses is always easier than putting in genuine effort. So, when you find yourself constantly receiving excuses, take it as a clear sign that something is amiss and your relationship may be heading downhill.
If you treat me as an option, don’t be surprised when I disappear without warning.

I can be your choice, your reason, or your priority, but I won’t settle for being just an option in your life.
I’ve given him countless chances to prove that I’m a priority in his life. It’s time for me to acknowledge the truth that I’m not.
Feel like an Option Quotes
If you spend too long holding on to the one who treats you like an option, you’ll miss the one who treats you like you’re the only one.

I’d rather be alone than be someone’s option.
You are not a convenience store; don’t let anyone treat you like an option.

Don’t ever beg someone to be a part of your life. If you’re constantly reaching out and they keep ignoring you, it’s time to walk away.
Refuse to be anyone’s backup plan. Demand to be treated with the respect and importance you deserve.
Don’t be an option; be someone’s only choice.

Know your worth, and don’t let anyone treat you like you’re dispensable.
If you’re not acting right, don’t expect me to treat you right either.
If someone wants to be a part of your life, they will make an effort. If not, they are showing you where you stand.

When someone consistently shows you that you are not a priority, believe them and adjust your expectations accordingly.
You had the choice to accept me as I am, but you chose to watch me go. So, please don’t shed tears for me now.
Either treat me right or stand back and watch someone else step up and do it for you.

Respect is earned, not demanded, but don’t settle for anything less than the respect you deserve.
If you treat me the way I treat myself, I assure you that I will treat you better than you treat yourself.
You deserve someone who chooses you without hesitation, not someone who keeps you waiting and wondering.

Busy is just an excuse. If someone truly values you, they will find time for you, no matter how busy they are.
I am Not an Option Quotes
Don’t settle for being an afterthought. Wait for someone who puts you first and makes you a priority.

Don’t settle for being someone’s downtime, spare time, part-time, or sometimes. If they can’t be there for you all the time, then they’re not worth your time. – Trent Shelton
When you say ‘yes’ to others, make sure you’re not sacrificing yourself and saying ‘no’ to your own needs.

Never chase someone who treats you like an option. Let them go, and you’ll attract someone who sees your worth. – Tony Gaskins
Actions speak louder than words. Pay attention to how someone prioritizes you in their life, rather than what they say.
When you start seeing your worth, you’ll find it harder to stay around people who don’t.

If you can’t decide whether you want me or not, then it’s clear you don’t value me enough.
Your worth is not determined by someone else’s ability to prioritize you. Remember that and surround yourself with those who do.
The way you value yourself determines how others value you. Don’t settle for being an option.

I refuse to be treated as an afterthought. Either choose me or let me go.
Respect yourself enough to walk away from anyone who sees you as just an option.
Never lower your standards to be someone’s option. Demand to be their priority or nothing at all.

Don’t believe someone who tells you they are too busy. Instead, understand that you are not a priority in their life.
Don’t settle for being a ‘maybe’ in someone’s life. Demand to be their ‘always’ and be treated accordingly.
Don t be Someone’s Option or Second Choice Quotes
Remember, these quotes remind us to value ourselves and not settle for being someone’s afterthought or option.
See also: Maybe It’s Time To Give Up Quotes
- If you treat me like an option, I’ll leave you like a choice.
- You deserve to be someone’s first choice, not their backup plan.
- I refuse to settle for being someone’s ‘just in case’ person.
- The only person that deserves a special place in your life is someone that never made you feel like you were an option in theirs.
- It’s time to stop waiting for someone to choose me and start choosing myself.
- Never settle for being someone’s second choice.
- With the wrong person, you find yourself begging for attention, affection, love, and commitment. On the other hand, the right person freely gives you these things because they genuinely love you.
- You deserve to be someone’s first choice, not their last resort.
- Never make someone a priority who only sees you as an option. Respect yourself enough to walk away.
- Know your worth. Stop giving people discounts.
- I made a mistake by considering you a priority when I was merely your second choice.
- Don’t waste your time on someone who can’t make time for you. Find someone who values and respects your presence in their life.
Wrapping up:
As we come to the end of this collection of don’t treat me like an option quotes, my hope is that it has served as a powerful reminder that it is not okay for someone to treat you as anything less than you deserve.
You are worthy of respect, love, and genuine consideration in any relationship.
And please, feel free to share your thoughts and let us know which quote resonated with you the most. Your comments are valuable and can inspire others who may be going through similar situations.
Remember, you have the power to set boundaries, demand respect, and choose relationships that uplift and honor your worth.
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